Hoon Pa Yoon amulet by Ajahn Loy

Uncle Chow Amulet

Hoon Pa Yoon – Ajahn Loy

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product code : A205 ⭐Ancient Spiritual BodyGuard [ Hoon Pa Yoon ] ⭐Blessed by #1 HPY Master – Ajahn Loy 💡Verified authentic by : -T-Amulet…

Product Details

product code : A205

⭐Ancient Spiritual BodyGuard [ Hoon Pa Yoon ]
⭐Blessed by #1 HPY Master – Ajahn Loy
💡Verified authentic by :
-T-Amulet Certificate (Mr Tohn)
-Certified by Ajahn Rak (Senior Chief Sammakom Committee)

🔥Among all the amulets that Ajahn Loy consecrated, he is best well-known for his Hoon Payong. As he would use a special type of straw to make it into a human shape, mix with special formulated powder, pollen and under unique weather condition etc before trying and chanting it. The Hoon Payong that Ajahn Loy consecrated is known to be the top Hoon Payong that in Thailand. All the Hoon Payong that was consecrated by him is believed to have an individual spirit (not spirit from human that passed on, but spirit formed by nature, wind, earth, water, fire) This is why Hoon Payong is special.

🔥Miracle story about Hoon Payong :
There is an incident that involved a goldsmith. This goldsmith happened to own a piece of Hoon Payong that was consecrated by Ajahn Loy himself. The strange thing is that whenever he goes his meal alone, the waiter would always bring him two sets of meals. And it was reported that when he was overseas, his neighbor mentioned that it seems like there was always someone at his house. Even though the neighbour did not know the fact that he was overseas. This is just one of many incident that has been recorded.

🔥The purpsoe of Hoon Payong :
To act as a replacement, helping the wearer to block away danger, evil spirit, acident and black magic. And if you put it at home and pray, it helps you to look after your house and the member of your family. It can also help to grow your business too.