Jatukam Kodsetti Phim Yai (Luang Nui Wat Kor Hong)

Uncle Chow Amulet

Jatukam Kodsetti Phim Yai (Luang Nui Wat Kor Hong) BE2549

item code: #A257 ✅ Jatukam Kodsetti Phim Yai (Luang Nui Wat Kor Hong) ✅ ✅ Year  :  BE2549 (2005)   ✅ Verified by  :  G-PRA Certificate …

Product Details

item code: #A257

✅ Jatukam Kodsetti Phim Yai (Luang Nui Wat Kor Hong)

✅ Year  :  BE2549 (2005)  

✅ Verified by  :  G-PRA Certificate 

Jatukam Kodsetti is considered one of the best Jatukam (Top 10) in Thailand. Strongly blessed by Luang Nui and Top Monks in Ceremony, which was conducted at Wat Mahathat and Lak Muang in the year BE2549

After Ajahn Khunpan (the creator of the Jatukam amulet) passed away, LuangNui became the successor of the Jatukam master. LuangNui was famous for his mediumship with the deity of Jatukam. With god-possessed, he did long deity dances, shooting with arrows, etc.

Jatukam is a well-known Deity for wealth and luck attraction. Many people who get unpredicted luck-changing situations and any wearers will be protected from accidents and harm.