
Uncle Chow Amulet

Jatukam Ramathep Roon PutatTamBanLe – LP Chai Wat ban thong

product code : A96 ⭐️Powerful Jumbo Jatukam from Krabi Master ✅Jatukam Ramathep Roon PutatTamBanLe (Samkasat) ✅LP Chai Wat ban thong ✅Big mass chanting ceremony in…

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Product Details

product code : A96

⭐️Powerful Jumbo Jatukam from Krabi Master
✅Jatukam Ramathep Roon PutatTamBanLe (Samkasat)
✅LP Chai Wat ban thong
✅Big mass chanting ceremony in year BE.2550 (2006)
>> Size : diameter 5,6 cm

LP Chai Wat Ban Thong was one of the famous monks to created efficacious Jatukam amulet in Thailand. His temple located in Krabi province, southern Thailand.
This amulet was born through a large sacred ceremony and was blessed through 4 major ceremonies at different times and places.
This Jatukam called Roon Putat Tambanlee, and many different phims came out in this batch. But this Jumbo Samkasat is a popular type because it is coated beautifully, which the brass materials coated with golden, silver, and bronze. In back have additional Phra Rahu (Deity who expel bad luck) & sacred Yant in the centre.
Spiritual Value: Many people believed wearing Jatukam will bring you a high level of protection from danger and harm. And also grant you good fortune and wealth. Jatukam often associated with windfall luck and overcome life obstacles.