LP Mee Wat Manwichai amulet

Uncle Chow Amulet

Locket 88 Phi (Singha Boar) Silver Takrut BE2538 – Lp Mee

product code : A127 ♨ Locket 88 Phi (Singha Boar) Silver Takrut ♨ LP Mee Wat ManWichai ♨ Year BE.2538 ( 1994 ) Come with…

Product Details

product code : A127

♨ Locket 88 Phi (Singha Boar) Silver Takrut
♨ LP Mee Wat ManWichai
♨ Year BE.2538 ( 1994 )

Come with Beautiful Gems Decorated Handmade Case.

This is Locket LP Mee 88 Phi Riding Singha & Boar With Silver Takrut, strongly blessed by LP Mee in year BE2538 for his 88 years old. Featured images of Locket LP Mee image, sacred Yants and Riding Singha & Boar at front. Additional with added Holy Powder materials, Chop Code and Silver Takrut at back side.
Lp Mee was the closest disciple of the Great Lp Parn wat Bangnomkho and Lp Chong wat Natangnok (2 Thailand’s Most Reputable Monk). Many good feedbacks from those who wear Lp Mee’s amulet in their work, especially relation with their bos and colleagues has improve and much better than before. This locket power of protection and also have the wicha of great metta mahaniyom (attractiveness) to create harmony even with your enemy and Phra Rahu will help watch your back for evil people doing harm to you and eat your bad luck.
Lp Mee is highly known in his knowledge of metta, wicha and vipassana meditation. LP Mee passed away in his age of 89 years old in Year BE2543 and miraculously, his body have no sign of decay, his hair and nails still growing. His body still kept in glass coffin in temple. A phenomenon for masters who had attain level of Arahang levels.

Why LP Pern highly respected LP Mee ?
A disciple (ajahn) of LP Pern try to expell black magic from a villager but as lack of experience, power of black magic hit back to him. After many attempt performed by LP Pern, he still could not cleanse the evil power in his devotees body. Therefore, LP Pern direct a devotee to look for LP Mee Wat Manwhichai. LP Mee performed holy rituals to remove this evil power and a devotee vomit nails from his mouth. That day’s event became widespread news and most people in Nakhon Pathom knew this incident.