Metmor by LP Kant WatKhaoGaew

Uncle Chow Amulet

LP Kant Wat Khao Gaew – Metmor

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Thailand amulet code: A45 # The most feared of all Talismans ever made in Thailand# Metmor (Magic Knife) Master :LP Kant Wat Khao Gaew Year…

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Thailand amulet code: A45

# The most feared of all Talismans ever made in Thailand#
Metmor (Magic Knife)
Master :LP Kant Wat Khao Gaew
Year : BE249X
>>> 2 Competition Certificates (2nd place) in Sammakom event <<<

About Metmor LP Kant

Initial : A Knife that defeat a Gun

Everyone knew that LP Doem’s Metmor is the best Magic Knives in Thailand. As LP Doem 1st disciple, LP Kant is known to have made the most efficacious Mitmorin Thailand – second only to that of his Guru LP Doem. The blade of this Knife (MitMor) is made of melted Iron from the nails of coffins taken after cremation. The Mantra requests for 5 unconquerable spirits whose weapons were embedded in the knife during its consecration to emerge and empower the owner. God Indra’sWachiravuth, God Wessuwan’s baton, The Demon Alawaka’s apocalyptic red cloth, God of the Death Jamaraj’s eyes, God Naraiyana’s chakra.

Their magic knives are often called the “God’s knives” or “conquering knives”. Because their magic knives are so terrible that even magic-tattooed hooligans are scared of them. The smallest knife could easily destroy the victims ‘ invulnerability (Magic-tattooed are called “sakyant” – well known Wicha for invulnerability and sharp things cannot penetrate skin). Anyone stabbed this knife will find the wound cannot be cured by modern medicine.

His knife is a “must have” amulet among Thai police, soldiers and Underworld Chiefs. Uncountable events in the past long years proved its very high efficacy. Miraculous phenomena often occurred; in fighting events, gunman were frightened–their guns dysfunction or bullets could not penetrate into the knife’s owner and at the bad were killed by only one stab of the little knife.

This is why LP Doem always told his disciples ”do not use the knife, if not being assaulted or harmed severely”

Spiritual value

High level of self protection, conquering evil spirits , destroying all kinds of black magic including invulnerability, making powerful holy water, healing diseases and illnesses by encircling on the affected area.