Uncle Chow Amulet


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Thailand amulet code: A77 PHRA HUYAN “pheun-tak” ✅HUGE MASS CHANTED ✅WAT RAJABORPIT – BE2513   🚩 This is very powerful amulet created in big mass…

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Thailand amulet code: A77

PHRA HUYAN “pheun-tak”




🚩 This is very powerful amulet created in big mass chanted in Wat Rajaborpit BE2513.

*Pheun-tak mean broken gun, because some people try to shoot at amulet but bullet doesn’t come out and the gun totally jammed.

Phra Huyan is Cambodia style Buddha image amulet and every Buddha image amulet is all rounded amulet for the effect. This special Phra Huyan amulet was a very famous one because some people try to shoot at the amulet and bullet didn’t come out until the gun’s tube swollen. So they called this batch Phra Huyan “Pheun Tak” (broken gun).

This special super powerful Phra Huyan “Pheun Tak” amulet made in occasion of wat Rajaborpit 100th year anniversary. At this great ceremony of blessing this amulet in BE2513, came 108 of great Geji monks from all over the country such as:

Lp Toh wat Pradoochimple, Lp Ngern wat Donyaihom, Lp Test wat Hinmakpeng, Luangta Mahaboa wat Pa Bahn Tad, Lp Thiam sat Kasatra, Ajahn Num Kaewjun wat Donsala, Lp Hin wat Rakhang, Lp Toon wat Phonimit, Lp Thongyu wat Mai Nongphraong, Lp Key wat Hu Chang, Lp Khom wat Phaironghua, Lp Chote Raruekcat, Lp Nor wat Klang Tharue, Lp Tam wat Phraloi, Ajahn Wahn Uttamo and many more.

So you can imagine the power of this Phra Huyan “Pheun Tak” amulet that chanted by all these 108 Geji monks. Without any doubt now you knew how this amulet had this great power to stop the bullet and break the gun.

Of course this amulet will give great power to protect the wearer from any harm and danger, also bring great metta, weatlth and success for the wearer.

And this Phra Huyan “Pheun Tak” amulet comes with DD-Pra certificate for your pleasure collecting original and 100% authentic amulet.