Rian Rama LP Niam Wat Noi

Uncle Chow Amulet

Rian Phra Put Rama 4 – LP Niam Wat Noi

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Thailand amulet code: A124 ♨ Rian Phra Put Rama 4 ♨ BLESSING : LP NIAM WAT NOI ♨ YEAR : BE.2435 – 2452 ( AD….

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Thailand amulet code: A124

♨ Rian Phra Put Rama 4


♨ YEAR : BE.2435 – 2452 ( AD. 1851 )

⇒ Thaprachan authentic Certificate.


“Lord of Suphanburi Province”

In Thai, the legend saying is “if you wear LP Niam amulet, you will not shed a single drop of blood”, thus is highly sought after by rich and famous, politicians, mlitary, etc.” All Amulets of LP Niam cover all properties and is up to individual wearer to ask what for !

This Rian were Made by LP Niam and put in Ubosoth (main temple), buried below the Phra Pathan (main Buddha), thus were blessed for many years by LP Niam and were discovered when the main temple was having renovation in BE2502. Thus this Rian was not distributed during LP Niam time.  it is LP Niam intention to bless this auspicious Rian in the main temple for a Long time so that it can be used to raise fund in the future for temple renovation.

In recent years, there is renovation in the main temple, the Rians were retrieved to raise fund, also the broken bricks in the main temple, devotees try to fire few shots at broken bricks but firearm unable to fire! Old broken bricks were taken to craved as Buddha Amulets as well !  All Thai veterans knows that LP Niam Puttakom is extremely high, although during his lifetime he lead a humble and Low profile monkhood life style and ignore fame !

Covers all properties, and due to high Puttakom effect it can change enemy or opponents to change their mind if they intend to harm you.

It is the same design as the coin used in Rama 4 except it is made of ancient lead, it symbolise $ so it has wealth fetching properties as well.

Before the Great Guru LP Niam of Wat Noi, Suphanburi, passed away in B.E.2453, he had told LP Parn of Wat BangnomKho, ” Than Parn, if I die and you have any doubts in Ultra Dharma, please go to see LP Nong–he will take my place.”

Great Lp Nong of Wat Klong Madan is also Master of:

  • -Lp Sod Wat Pak Nam
  • -Lp Toh Wat Wat Pradoochimpee

No Camera Can Took Photo Of LP Niam

No Camera can take photo until the day he passed away with reclining Buddha Position.  When LP Niam was alive, simply no cameras is able to take photo shot of him, simply blank when photo is developed, numerous cases reported!, Including Western (Angmoh) photographers who do not believe when they were told by Monks and try themselves.  It is reported that the photographers took many shots while LP Niam was at sitting position, standing position and also walking position, but simply can’t develop or can’t see LP Niam picture in group photo.