LP Chuen Wat Ta-ee

Uncle Chow Amulet

Takrut 18 Dok Itipiso Thoy Lang – LP Chuen Wat Ta-ee

code: A635 Takrut 18 Dok Itipiso Thoy Lang LP Chuen Wat Ta-ee   LP Chuen Wat Tha Ee is a cambodian monk who is popular…

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code: A635

  • Takrut 18 Dok Itipiso Thoy Lang
  • LP Chuen Wat Ta-ee


LP Chuen Wat Tha Ee is a cambodian monk who is popular for his Dharma teaching and magic of charm. He is well known not only in Cambodia and Thailand but also in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. Lp Cheung passed away in Hong Kong in BE 2547 at age 80 years old.

The early life of Luang Pu Chuen, his nature was charitable, thoughtful, and deeply compassionate. He was generous and always helpful to friends and relatives. From a young age, he had a strong faith in Buddhism. At the age of 15, he asked his parents for permission to be ordained as a novice monk, which they granted. So, he was ordained at the temple in his hometown.

After being a novice monk for some time, at the age of 20, Luang Pu Chuen was fully ordained as a monk in the Buddhist order. He received the monastic name “Tikayanano.” Once fully ordained, he studied Buddhist chants and the Patimokkha (monastic code). In just one rainy season, he mastered the Patimokkha, which is rare, as many monks take 5 to 10 years to learn this lengthy and complex chant.

In his third rainy season, Luang Pu Chuen passed the basic Dharma exam. Afterward, he embarked on a pilgrimage, wandering through forests and across mountains and streams in Cambodia. This journey allowed him to meet many skilled teachers who passed on their mystical knowledge to him. One particular hermit in the dense jungle imparted the most advanced teachings to Luang Pu Chuen to help him assist future disciples.

Luang Pu Chuen led a simple life as a senior monk, with admirable discipline and conduct. He enjoyed performing meritorious acts to cultivate his spiritual power. He would wake up at 3 a.m. to perform morning chanting, and in the evening, he would chant again unless he had another duty or was unwell.

Luang Pu Chuen was very dedicated to benefiting the community and always acted fairly towards his disciples, setting a good example for them. As a result, he was loved and respected by many of his disciples and the general public.

Luang Pu Chuen Tikayanano was a disciple of the “Kulen Mountain” tradition, a center of advanced and authentic Khmer esoteric knowledge. His first teachers were Luang Pu Euay and Luang Pu Dee Suwandi, two grandmasters renowned for their deep spiritual power and miraculous abilities, widely known in Cambodia.

Luang Pu Chuen foresaw that the “mystical arts” he was studying would be of great benefit to Buddhism and in assisting people in the future. Therefore, he devoted himself to mastering these teachings and also studied meditation to strengthen his spiritual power.

Luang Pu Chuen studied both meditation and mystical arts simultaneously and learned them with great accuracy and speed. His teachers were pleased with his progress. Luang Pu Euay, in particular, kindly transmitted all his teachings and secrets to Luang Pu Chuen. Luang Pu Euay was so famous that many Cambodian dignitaries became his disciples. After Luang Pu Euay passed away, Luang Pu Chuen continued his pilgrimage through the forests of Cambodia, seeking out more teachers. Eventually, he met Luang Pu Dee Suwandi on Kulen Mountain, who was a monk with high supernatural abilities and profound spiritual power beyond the ordinary.

With his great merit, Luang Pu Chuen was accepted as a disciple by Luang Pu Dee. Together, they continued their pilgrimage. Luang Pu Chuen learned meditation, mystical arts related to the four elements, and the secrets of creating and empowering sacred objects and talismans from Luang Pu Dee.

Luang Pu Chuen was a scholar monk who loved to study and research various formulas, spells, and esoteric knowledge. Whether it was sacred scripts, yantras, or any other mystical arts, he was always experimenting with their creation and empowerment. Once he had tested something and found it to be truly effective according to the ancient texts, he would use this extraordinary knowledge to create and empower amulets for his disciples and followers, bestowing upon them these auspicious and magical items for veneration. Given Luang Pu Chuen’s meticulous selection and examination to ensure their authenticity and efficacy, it is no surprise that his amulets have consistently yielded remarkable results. The testimonials from those who have venerated his amulets speak volumes about their extraordinary power.