Takrut LP Yiam Wat Nang

Uncle Chow Amulet

Takrut by Luangphor Yiam Wat Nang

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Thailand amulet code: A155 Takrut by Luangphor Yiam (Niam / Ieam) Wat Nang includes certificate of authenticity # OLD TAKRUT FROM THE LEGEND # Luangphor…

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Thailand amulet code: A155

Takrut by Luangphor Yiam (Niam / Ieam) Wat Nang

includes certificate of authenticity


Luangphor Yiam Wat Nang is one of the most popular monk all the time in Thailand.

Even though he passed away for more than a hundred years, his name and reputation still well remembered. All of the amulets he blessed and made received a good reputation and value from time to time. Honestly, there is not much that needs to be explained about this legendary monk.

The most famous King in Thailand, King Rama V high respected LP Yiam and treated him as Spiritual Teacher. In BE 2440, there are one occasion when LP Yiam had predicted His Majesty First Royal Visit to Europe – that King Rama V would face problem from four-legged animal. And LP Yiam had given a supranatural advice prior to his Royal Journey. He taught the 5th King a special Mantra for Metta Mahaniyom (loving kindness) called “ ItTiPiSoh Rian Dteui”. As it turned out that during King’s Royal Visit in France, The Prince of France brought a wild horse which was untamed and asked King Rama V whether The King dared to tame and ride on this horse. At that moment, King Rama V recalled the prediction of LP Yiam and remember LP Yiam’s advice. The King walked straight to this wild horse and pulled some grass from the ground. The King recited Katha (Mantra) that LP Yiam taught him. Later, King fed these grasses to the horse and miraculously, this wild horse calmed down and suddenly become tame. King Rama V easily control and ride this wild horse. This incident witnessed by hundred of peoples and recorded in Thai Royal Journey.