
Uncle Chow Amulet

Takrut Gan Ngor BE.2552 – Lp Up Wat Thongsai

product code : A94 ⭐️Top #1 Handwriten Takrut by LP Up Wat Thongsai ✅Takrut Gan Ngor – Year BE.2552 ( 2008 ) 📢 Why This…

Product Details

product code : A94

⭐️Top #1 Handwriten Takrut by LP Up Wat Thongsai
✅Takrut Gan Ngor – Year BE.2552 ( 2008 )

📢 Why This takrut is special ?
According to temple committee, Lungphor Up spent lot of time make this powerful Takrut.
This is handwirtten takrut by Lp Up in BE 2552 and made only 999 pcs. This takrut named Takrut Gan Ngor was made of cooper yant takrut with Lp Up Kassa cloth, black lacquer and gold foil. This takrut is one of the most well known amulets besides Mae Nang Phim that was the speciality amulets and effective for the worshiper from Lp Up. This takrut is very hard to made and very powerful and believed to protect you from harm, bad influence and evil, also great protection from harm and danger and protection from poisonous snakes.
Lp Up was interested in studying wicha since he was a layman. He learned with Lp Noi wat Thammasala and traveled to learned Thai herb knowledge with many guru monks. Lp Up is very skillful in Thai local medicine so much. His famous wicha is Chaenammon (Holy water), Takrut Gan Ngor and Mae Nang Phim amulets.