Takrut Tohn Luang Pu Chaem Wat Donyaihom

Uncle Chow Amulet

Takrut Tohn LP Chaem Wat Donyaihom BE2530

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thai amulet code: A531 # Single Takrut conquer everything ✅ Takrut Tohn LP Chaem Wat Donyaihom ✅ Year BE.2530 – 2535 Certified by : Mr…

Product Details

thai amulet code: A531

# Single Takrut conquer everything

Takrut Tohn LP Chaem Wat Donyaihom

Year BE.2530 – 2535

Certified by : Mr Tone Bangkae (T-Amulet)

This Takrut is strongly blessed by Luangphor Chaem Wat Donyaihom in auspicious day. LP Chaem personally wrote mantra (yant) in metal plate and roll it by himself. The Tarkrut Tone means “Great Takrut” which is one of the TOP Takrut made by any Master as the Takrut “Tone” encompasses all great Yantra and Mantras and is consecrated at the highest level during the most auspicious time. Very powerful.

Another famous story is that once, a Chinese man came to Wat Donyaihom to meet LP Ngern (LP Chaem’s master) and ask for holy water. But when getting to Temple, he discovered that LP Ngern had passed away already. Later, LP Chaem requested his disciples to give the man a bowl of holy water he blessed. But he was not pleased; when he walked out, he tried to pour the water into the bowl, but that water could not flow out; then he came back to ask forgiveness and pay respect to LP Chaem.