Takrut LP Galong

Uncle Chow Amulet

Waist Takrut Shi Mahathep (WEALTHY Batch)- Won 2nd in Sammakom

Thailand amulet code: A602 ✅ WAIST TAKRUT SHI MAHATHEP (WEALTHY BATCH)    ✅ LP Galong Wat Khao Laem ✅ Year  : BE2552 (2008) ✅ Won…

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Thailand amulet code: A602


✅ LP Galong Wat Khao Laem

✅ Year  : BE2552 (2008)

Won 2ND Prize in Sammakom Competition  

This is the most effective “Wealth Takrut” made by LP galong and very RARE in market. Made only 999 pcs. Many good review for its wealth function and therefore many collectors will just term it as “Wealth Batch”. This takrut blessed in 5 Grand Ceremonies including at Wat Suthat. After that, LP Galong personally blessed the amulet for 5 months from November 2008 until March 2009.

This powerful waits Takruts Si MahaThep bring Great Wealthy & Great Protection. Each takrut consist different Yants such as : Yant Phra Phrom , Yant Phra Narai , Yant Phra Shiva Maha Raja, Yant Phra U-Ma Maha Choon.

In era of BE.2550, LP Galong was known as “King of Takrut”  (Takrut is sacred metal talisman which rolled with special yant / mantra inscribed). He built 9 ordination hall with merely takrut. LP Galong is known for its spiritual abilities which are connected to high level deities such as Brahma & Lersi. That’s why LP Galong is very popular in Lersi, tiger and takrut amulets.

LP Galong once said that all amulets endowed with mental concentration will one day exceed the value of gold. And will be rarer than jewels.

Even LP Toh Wat Pradoochimpee once said to LP Chaem during a ceremony at Wat Intharaviharn that he had never met anyone who had such strong telepathic powers.