
Uncle Chow Amulet

Wua Thanoo (Sacred Magical Cow) – Lp Put Wat Klang Bang Phra

product code : A52 ✅Wua Thanoo (Sacred Magical Cow) ✅Master : LP Put Wat Klang Bang Phra ✅Year : BE253X (199X) ⇒ Verified by : T-Amulet…

Product Details

product code : A52

✅Wua Thanoo (Sacred Magical Cow)
✅Master : LP Put Wat Klang Bang Phra
✅Year : BE253X (199X)
⇒ Verified by : T-Amulet Certificate

🚩About LP Put Wat Klang Bang Phra
Luang Phor Phut was a disciple of Luang Phor Noi, Wat Srisathong – Famous Kruenglang Master from Nakhon Pathom. Those sacred creations such as Wua Thanoo and Rahu amulet was very popular and most expensive in Thailand. LP Put had learnt all this Wicha (magic knowledge) from LP Noi.
When people find it difficult to grab the original Wua Thanoo or Rahu amulet from LP Noi due to the high price in the market, many people will go to LP Put amulet as the best substitution.
Wat Klang Bang Phra very famous for its big statue of Buddha called LP Yai Buddha Statue, and every day many people come here to pray. LP Put also a close friend with LP Pern Wat Bang Phra, most of LP Put’s amulet also invited LP Pern in the blessing ceremony.

🚩Sacred Magical Cow (Wua Thanoo) LP Put
Wua Thanoo consecrated by Luang Phor Phut were made of Nur Krang Phutsa. Krang Phutsa is a type of wax extracted from the Chinese date tree and is deemed auspicious by Luang Phor Phut for the making of Wua Thanoo amulets. The branch from where the wax is extracted from has to be facing the east and an auspicious time will be chosen to extract the wax and to recite incantations on it before use. The instructions given by Luang Phor Phut before inviting the Wua Thanoo into the house are:
1) 16 joss-sticks must be lighted to invite the Devas from 16 directions to bless the Wua Thanoo image.
2) 1 joss-stick must be lighted to ask the house spirits to protect the house.

The Wua Thanoo will protect the house and the family from all forms of danger. Many experiences appeared among devotees. There are several testimonies including a story where a group of thieves who wanted to rob a house but they saw shadows and sounds of buffalo roaring, they immediately run away.
Not many monks have the ability to make effective Wua Thanoo amulets due to the long conseceration process involved and also the difficulty in obtaining certain special materials.

🚩Spiritual value
Protect your property from harm and danger , Self protecton from evil / bad spirit and black magic. Bring good luck if you put in your shop or working desk.