bucha LP Thuad Wat Changhai

Uncle Chow Amulet

Bucha LP Thuad Wat Changhai 49/53

code: A637 Dimension of bucha: 24 cm (tall) x 20 cm x 17 cm. Luang Pu Thuat phra bucha (statue) 49/53 batch from Wat Chang…

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Product Details

code: A637

Dimension of bucha: 24 cm (tall) x 20 cm x 17 cm.

Luang Pu Thuat phra bucha (statue) 49/53 batch from Wat Chang Hai, Pattani, 6-inch (17 cm) width base, 2006 Promotion of Ecclesiastical Title Rank Edition, made in 2010, Serial Number 598. Three amulets embedded at the bottom. Black finish, beautiful and original condition.

Created by Phra Sunthonpariyattiwithan (Phra Ajarn Sayan / พระสุนทรปริยัติวิธาน), the abbot of Wat Chang Hai, Pattani province. Blessing in two ceremonies:

  • March 20, 2010: Blessing ceremony and statue casting.
  • June 22, 2010: Grand consecration ceremony.

About Wat Changhai

Wat Chang Hai is renowned for its Luang Phor Thuad amulets, which are believed to offer protection, safety, and good fortune. The temple is particularly famous for the amulets created by its late abbot, Archan Tim, who is considered a pioneer in the making of Luang Phor Thuad amulets.