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#A385 Magical amulet that invokes the power of our ancestors
Por Phan Pitsadarn (Spiritual bodyguard)
Master : LP Yen Wat Sra…
Magical amulet that invokes the power of our ancestors
Por Phan Pitsadarn (Spiritual bodyguard)
Master : LP Yen Wat Sra Parian
Year : BE. 2535 (1991)
This “Por Phan Pitsadarn” made by LP Yen after a misterious monk who is believed to be 1000 years old and often appears to those who practice rigorous meditation in forests and caves. He taught LP Yen about this ancient wicha (magic knowledge) Hoonpayon Por Pan Pitsadarn. Because he knew LP Yen need help to renovate temple. Although his existence invited many mysteries, but his presence received full recognition from several highly respected senior monks in Thailand. This amulet was unique because it shape like the “P” letter in thailand and look like a goat. It is believed Por Pahn ancient wicha can invoke the powers of our ancestors to help us in our life. This amulet also can become our spiritual body guard.
After taught session, Luangphor Yen bow his head with gesture respect but mysteriously, the monk disappeared.
Spiritual value : The magical power of Por Pahn can bring you a smooth life, and special assistance will come when you get into trouble. IT is believed Por Pahn ancient wicha can invoke the powers of our ancestors to help us in our life. This amulet also can become our spiritual body guard.