Rian Sahakorn LP Koon Wat Banrai BE.2530

Uncle Chow Amulet

Rian Sahakorn LP Koon Wat Banrai BE.2530 [1986]

amulet code: A589 < The most famous LP Koon Rian > ✅Rian Sahakorn LP Koon Wat Banrai BE.2530 [1986]   ⭐️Won 2nd Prize in Sammakom Competition…

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amulet code: A589

< The most famous LP Koon Rian >

Rian Sahakorn LP Koon Wat Banrai BE.2530 [1986]  

Won 2nd Prize in Sammakom Competition

In May 10th BE2536 , near Bangkok, the worst factory fire incident took place at the Kader industrial toy factory on the outskirts of the thai capital of Bangkok.

Officially 188 workers, most of them young women from impoverished rural families, died in the blaze.

Another 469 were injured – many seriously and permanently, after they were forced to leap from second, third and fourth floors of building to avoid being burnt.

In this event, a girl named Pairat Jeamkuntod also was forced to leap from 3rd floor, before leaping, she grasped the medal amulet of LP Koon BE2530 and prayed for help from LP koon. Miraculously, she leaped to the ground with no injury under the eyes of many people.

After this incident, her parents brought her to pay respects to lp koon. Before the girl said anything , lp koon asked her first “Did you grasp me firmly before leaping??”  . Hundreds of people in the temple have no idea what happened to this girl and why lp koon asking like this.  Before leaving, lp koon gave her 500 THB. This reported incident publicized lp koon and the medal (rian) BE.2530 throughout Thailand. This incident became the initial breakthrough that catapulted LP Koon’s name and reputation to the point where we know him today.