Uncle Chow Amulet

TAKRUT WAT PAILOM – LP Tim Wat Lahanrai BE.2513

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amulet code: A275   TAKRUT WAT PAILOM BE.2513 chanted by LP Tim Wat Lahanrai  come with G-Pra Certificate This 4 inches Takrut Maha Amnard is…

Product Details

amulet code: A275



chanted by LP Tim Wat Lahanrai 

come with G-Pra Certificate

This 4 inches Takrut Maha Amnard is made from cooper and made by Wat Pai Lom, Rayong Province. This is a takrut of Gracious Power of Authority (Maha Amnard and was engraved yantra and blessed by Lp Tim wat Lahanrai in BE 2513 (CE 1970). The Takrut was punched with a mirror image of “Na” yantra at one end. Yant “Na” is believed to have 108 kinds of Buddha’s Power and believed to reverse bad luck to good one.

This BE 2513 batch of takrut was blessed by LP Tim of Wat Laharnrai twice, 1st at the Blessing Ceremony at Wat Pailom, an hour after the end of this Blessing Ceremony, all Guru Monks including LP Tim had left the Ceremony area, LP Tim re-entered the temple and blessed alone again.

The amulets left-over from sale were kept in the chamber under the base of the Principle Buddha Image of Wat Pailom, and this Batch was later found in BE 2555 (CE 2012) during the restoration work of the temple of Wat Pailom.